Dramatic SFB: Flaming Rage Lyrans

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Sun Feb 4 18:11:39 PST 2018

#451 The Planet Crusher: Lyran FF+p Primal Frenzy successfully defended the planet from the monster.
#450 Prospecting Raid: Lyrans sent no ships, Punishing Peladine win the scenario.
#449 Convoy Raid: Lyrans sent no ships, Punishing Peladine win the scenario.
#448 Dilithium Crystal Asteroid: Lyran FF+p Storm Rider will battle vs the Punishing Peladine FF Squirt for the crystals.(battle to be played)
#447 The moray eel of space: Lyran TGC+up Blood Bringer (with PAL-BT Cougar), CA +up Grey Warrior, and DW+uBp Gore successfully defend the planet from the monster sent by the Menage a Trois Hydrans.
#446 Terrain defence with ground combat: Lyran and Kzinti (Territorial Marking Fleet) sent no ships. Scenario dropped with no resolution.
#442 Convoy Raid: Lyrans sent no ships, Klingon (Deep Space Fleet) win the scenario.
#441 Colony Raid: Lyrans sent no ships, Klingon (Deep Space Fleet) win the scenario.
#438 Convoy Raid: Lyran CWS+B Dark Stealth, DW+uBp Claw, DW+uBp Rend, and DW+uBp Fang will battle vs the Kzinti (Drones Catnip and Liquor) 5x FTs (freighters), DWL Blue Galaxy, DWS Dark Eclipse, and DWy Dark Comet all with medium drones.(battle to be played)
#437 Repair Dock: Lyrans sent no ships, Kzinti (Drones Catnip and Liquor) win the scenario.
#365 War Memorial: Lyrans sent no ships, Hydran Hawkmen win the scenario.
#364 Dragon Attack: Lyran CW+uBp Fierce Roar, and CW+uBp Ravenger Fury successfully defend the planet from the monster.
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