Dramatic SFB: Territorial Marking Fleet, Sub-Admiral's Log Y175-T6

Boyd Steere boydsteere at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 12:39:02 PST 2018

*Lyran Front:*

No activity.  The single incident at a ground installation in this sector
is of too little importance for either side to send ships to deal with and
is assigned to local nobles and their militias to field.

*Klingon Front:*

*Passing the Baton #444 (No battle)*
The war destroyer leader *Pursues Movement *responded to a distress signal
from the civilian cargo tug *Reliable III* near the Klingon border*.*  No
enemy forces came to take advantage of the stricken tug's situation, and
after repairs were effected, the civilian captain was cited for overloading
a cargo pod beyond its rated mass capacity and sent on his way.

*Rival Kzinti Front:*

After six months of our watching the rival Kzinti house that goes by the
motto "Drones, Liquor, and Catnip" win battles through their superior
numbers, the decision is made to divert most of the fleet to an offensive
against them to break that pattern, or at least make them pay for a few
victories with blood.

*The Moray Eel of Space #439 (May require battle to resolve)*
Last quarter, a space organism attacked one of our border colonies with an
escort of enemy Kzinti ships.  Now, the same beast is reported to be
heading towards their planets, and we are returning the favor.

Our two medium cruisers, the MCCy *Savage Beating* and the MSCy *Hears
Pawsteps* have followed the space monster to the target planet.  Two enemy
vessels are waiting for us there at a Lagrange point: the NCA
*Thunderstrike* and the DW *Fighting Comet.  *

Our commander on the scene assesses the situation:  the enemy cruiser is an
exact a match for our lead ship, but their un-refit war destroyer is
smaller than our upgraded scout cruiser.  Without a scout on their side,
they'll be unable to counter our offensive EW and drone guidance breaking.
Given our advantages in combat BPV and the enemy's need to deal with the
monster as well as our ships, the order is given to press the engagement.

*Colony Raid #440 ** (May require battle to resolve)*
The command cruiser *Carotid Tooth *leads a task force of two destroyers
and a destroyer-scout to raid one of our kin-enemy's agricultural
colonies.  On coming out of warp, our forces detect three enemy ships in
orbit around the target: two medium cruisers and a war-destroyer.

The gambit to dedicate extra forces to this front has paid off.  With a
100-combat-BPV advantage and special sensor capabilities on our side, the
command is given from the flag bridge: "All ships attack".

*Federation Front:*

*The Moray Eel of Space #425 (No battle)*
The problem with Moray Eels of Space is that they don't taste very good.
Otherwise, the great number of them making trouble in Kzinti space would be
a boon for hunting.

One such space monster, un-escorted by the humans and their leaf-eating
allies, made its way into our border regions and threatened a mining
facility.  The war destroyer *Instinctive Lunge* was dispatched to nuke the
thing before it arrived and the incident was resolved without loss of
civilized life.
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