Dramatic SFB: New Themes

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Wed Jan 24 05:04:01 PST 2018

Hey guys. Just a quick mention:

I've added a couple of white-background themes to the software. For 
those of you who prefer "simple" because you hate websites with black 
backgrounds, you can rejoice in the knowledge that you can have color in 
your interface now.

For those who haven't figured out that there *is* color out there; log 
in, go to "Account", and find the "Theme" drop-down. There is a list in 
there of various themes (currently named after the empire who features 
in it). Select one and hit the "save and exit" button.

Most of the empires are the "West" side, drones & disruptors, because 
that's what I have the 3D models for. You *might* notice some 
similarities between the models used for backgrounds and the models used 
in the commercial. But I totally didn't just plop my commercial stuff 
into a background. Honest. Really. Mostly.


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