Dramatic SFB: Status Report:

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Mon Jan 15 19:07:18 PST 2018

Latest turn 5, current year 175 Flaming Rage Lyran:
#342 Peladine victory. Lyran and Peladine treaty.#341 Peladine victory.#340 To be played out? the Hydran Paul G (I think it is), can disengage if you would like to (map and Lyran set up saved).#339 Kzinti victory. Territorial Marking Fleet.#334 Lyran victory. Klingon and Lyran ally treaty.#331 Kzinti victory. Drones Catnip and Liquor.#330 Lyran victory.#267 Lyran victory.#266 Is being played out, set up complete and ready for turn 1 EA. (It is a raid, may only last a turn or two)
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