Dramatic SFB: Defense Log

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Tue Jan 2 18:59:29 PST 2018

Captain's Defense Log,

the destroyer /Electra/.

Feb, Y175.

These Magnesium Nanotubes are taking forever to transship. We've had to 
go perilously close to the Vudar border, which is probably why the whole 
squadron was assigned as escort duty. It's odd that the Vudar haven't 
attacked us except against minor, unprotected targets.  I hear they 
don't have much for heavy units, so would like an opportunity the 
tighten up the crew's training with a raid.

The /Lesath/ caught up with us last week. They brought news of the 
/Farud/ squadron. They processed a group of refugees that claimed to 
have come from a colony that was attacked by the Andromedans. So far the 
Andromedans haven't been very bold in Tholian space, thank the almighty.

There is still a constant back-and-forth with our Klingon neighbors. 
Last month we were able to see an important colony of theirs get 
destroyed by a Space Eel. Their retaliatory strike was against an 
undefended mining planet. I wonder what the Holdfast will have us do, 
when it is our turn on the Klingon border?

Captain F'ssa

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