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<p>Gents,<br /></p>
<p>In a nut shell,<br /></p>
<p>1965, Andro fleet of INT, 2 MAM, 3 COB, EEL and MIS vs Pel fleet of DN, DWS and 3 DD.<br /></p>
<p>Need some help here as I do not have my books and my Andro knowledge is weak at best.<br /></p>
<p>INT is a SC 3 ship ? MAMs are SC 3 or 4 ships, COBs I know are destroyers, EEL is a scout and no idea what a MIS is ?<br /></p>
<p>Are there any DD in this fleet ?<br /></p>
<p>Thanks, answers will dictate if I engage or not ?<br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>1986, Pel win by overwhelming force but will cheerfully engage Barbaric Klingons if they wish.<br /></p>
<p>1987, Same as 1986 above.<br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>1989, Pel auto win.<br /></p>
<p>1990, Pel auto win.<br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>2017, Frax auto win.<br /></p>
<p>2018, Pel fleet of CA and DD will engage Fraxian DD squadron.<br /></p>
<p>I will need a Captain for this one. If interested, let me know please. <br /></p>
<p>Thanks.<br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>2027, dropped.<br /></p>
<p>2028, Pel auto win.<br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>2038, Pel auto win.<br /></p>
<p>2039, Pel auto win.<br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>2045, Lyran auto win.<br /></p>
<p>2046, Pel auto win.<br /></p>
<p>2047, Pel auto win.<br /></p>
<p>2048, Lyran auto win.<br /></p>
<p>2049, Pel auto win.<br /></p>
<p>2050, Lyran auto win.<br /></p>
<p>2051, Pel auto win.<br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>2055, Kzinti auto win.<br /></p>
<p><br /></p>
<p>2066, dropped.<br /></p>
<p>So I have 1 battle for sure, potential 2nd vs Andros.<br /></p>
<p>Let me know re Andro questions and if you want to fly for the Punishing Peladine empire?<br /></p>
<p>Thanks.<br /></p>
<p>Cheers<br /></p>
<p>Frank<br /></p>