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<p>Folks,<br /></p>
<p>Matt and I got T1 in tonight !<br /></p>
<p>Thols set up a 74 point web with their Tug cowering inside it.<br /></p>
<p>Its a strength 13 or some thing like that, then it does this other thingy and blah blah blah, suffice it to say I have no clue on what this web does so I am completely in the dark ! 😄<br /></p>
<p>I do think it may be a place for his fleet to run to and hide inside it as Thol ships apparently can pass through web with ease with the added benefit of negating enemy fire !!<br /></p>
<p>Both fleets approach with caution with Pel CWy Yoho launching 2 S torps, target unknown at this time.<br /></p>
<p>Couple drones were launched as well.<br /></p>
<p>On 1.32, all hell broke loose. Thols fire 15 disruptors and 30 ph 1s at Pel FFS+y Lighthouse at R15.<br /></p>
<p>Net result is she is now a wreck in space.<br /></p>
<p>In return, Pels fire a wad of phasers [ 6 ph 2s and 9 ph 1s ] at R11 netting 7 damage on Thol CC Vega #6 promptly teaching them not to mess with us Pels !! <br /></p>
<p>Negotiations to leave peacefully with FFS+y Lighthouse in tow failed as the Thols are desperately looking to get a ship kill !<br /></p>
<p>T2 to continue Friday night, time was not determined Matt ?<br /></p>
<p>Great fun !<br /></p>
<p>Cheers<br /></p>
<p>Frank<br /></p>