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<p>Gents and fellow beings,<br /></p>
<p>Michael and I wrapped up T4 last night. The turn where the Hunters became the hunted !<br /></p>
<p>Pel CC/CW start at 21/30 [ early increase ] while CL Nina moves at best speed possible [ 10 ] in C facing trying to open up the range to the planet to expedite her escape ! No AFC or shields to get speed 10, range to Carni fleet was about 17 or so at time and range end of turn to planet is 26.<br /></p>
<p>Carnis start at 24/30 [ late turn increase ].<br /></p>
<p>Neither side is using EW.<br /></p>
<p>Early in turn Pel CC/CW using tractor tricks turned to E to face the Carni fleet, then bumped up their speed to 30, range is about R10 at this time.<br /></p>
<p>The chase begins ! Pel CC/CW chases the Carni fleet CA/CW/DW/CWS, 2 ships chasing 4, go figure but Carnis knew the dangers of a full plasma strike so they had no choice, being it was turn 1 of their arming for their 2 turn DCs<br /></p>
<p>Mid way [ 4.19 ] Carnis launched 7 DBs as the Pel fleet was closing forcing CWy Yoho to drop the #2 at R6 to Carni fleet, transported 2 TBs in the path of the 7 DBs to make short work of them 3 imps later. Carnis did not take a shot with their ph 3s on the dropped shield which was in their LOS.<br /></p>
<p>Carnis headed F with Pel fleet side slipping 2 hexes south off the Carni travel line to avoid any hidden surprises ! <br /></p>
<p>Carnis then turned A forcing Pels to turn A and cross their what's known as fingers and hoped to not find any Kabooms to cross over the Carni travel line to continue the chase. None happened so its unknown at this time if any hidden TBs were used.<br /></p>
<p>Near end of turn, 4.28, Carnis turn to B, towards the BH with Pel CC/CW in hot pursuit. As soon as the Pel chasers turned to B, Carni CA dropped her #3 and transported 2 TBs directly in front of the Pel chasers. Luckily, moving so fast and using tractor tricks again, the Pel CC/CW was able to avoid the 2 transported TBs.<br /></p>
<p>The CC/CW are still tractored at end of turn so will get to move 1 hex closer to the Carni DW Hunters Wrath bringing them to R4 of her , Wrath #4 to CC/CW #6 !<br /></p>
<p>Carni CA/CW are R5 to BH, DW at R7 and CWS at R12.<br /></p>
<p>Pel CC/CW at R9 to BH.<br /></p>
<p>No shots were fired from either side.<br /></p>
<p>T5 will not be so quiet !<br /></p>
<p>Great fun !<br /></p>
<p>To continue Thursday night at 7 pm EST.<br /></p>
<p>Side note, if my calculations are correct, the planet will collide with the BH early on T9.<br /></p>
<p>Cheers<br /></p>
<p>Frank<br /></p>