Dramatic SFB: GWO Going down

Matthew Potter matt at mattnet.org
Mon Oct 3 17:18:05 PDT 2022

Hiya folks.

It's been a couple of months since things moved forward on GWO at all. 
Somewhere around the new year, there was a precipitous drop in interest 
in the campaign, and it never seemed to recover.

So I will be shutting down the General War Operations game and the Big 
Ships game this next weekend. Please get what you would like from those 
games before the pages become unaccessible.

On the flip side, I would like to open up a couple of smaller games. 
These will be 3-6 players each, in the hope that the smaller crowds will 
make for faster games. I will take suggestions on time periods and any 
variants <http://sfbdrama.mattnet.org/docs/rules.html#formats> (if any) 
that people would like to play.

Depending on interest, I could see the first of these smaller games 
going up as fast as in a week. Otherwise, I will keep a rolling list of 
interested people and try to match them up with an appropriate game, 
creating one if needed.

Please remember that I have Early-Years (Y65-Y120), Omega, and X-Tech 
(Y180+) available as minor variations to the game. (Although X-Tech in 
my database doesn't have completely accurate BPVs, due to drone costs.)

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