Dramatic SFB: General War Operations news

Matthew Potter matt at mattnet.org
Tue Apr 12 20:05:21 PDT 2022

Good evening folks!

I have juuust gotten back from a week long conference four states away. 
I'm now tanned, rested, and ready to go, after a trip to Denver.

I think I've caught up with things here. Everyone has checked in with 
their orders and I've cycled the turn. there's a little over 20 battles 
that are marked as "fair."

For those who are wondering, Wayne has gone from the Paravians to the 
Andromedans. The Broken Fang Kzintis are one of those who left the 
campaign. You'll see them disappear after the next turn cycle.

Additionally, we are likely to see a new Romulan player come in over the 
coming turn-break. More details when things are finalized.


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