Dramatic SFB: GWO T8 - NERF Report

Roch C R.Chartrand at Videotron.qc.ca
Tue Nov 30 18:56:22 PST 2021

The New Earth Revolutionary Federation report the following :


2 possible scenarios to resolved using the SFBOL client.


*	Scenario 1453 Canister against David H. Dino-Mite Gorn, NCLs Alabama
and Repulse will analyse and bring back the data to our scientist.
*	Scenario 1464 Death Star against Marcel T. Romulan Star Empire, DNG
Je me Souviens squadron will disrupt the system in sector 64.


All other scenario are either drop or auto resolved.


I’m normally available in the evening around 18h45 eastern time, Sunday to



Kzinti Border :


Sector 1421 Planet Crusher:



Sector 1422 Convey Raid:

Another successful escort mission added to the log of René Lévesque.

(NERF - Win)


Sector 1423 Listening Post:



Sector 1424 Banshees:



Sector 1425 Hostile Militia:

Charlie’s Angel militia platoon successfully secure the GCL on Hudtham
Mahochill planet.

(NERF - Win)



Paravian Border :


Sector 1447 Colony Assault:

Guy Chevrette and it MAKO team were ready to protect the Miriandys Aquila

(NERF - Win)


Sector 1448 Terrain Defense wt Ground Combat:

Jacques Parizeau commando’s did not encountered strong resistance from the
Bird race in taking the GCL.

(NERF - Win)


Sector 1449 Colony Raid (moderate):



Sector 1450 Colony Raid (minor):

The crew of Lucien Bouchard was able to practice support exercise with the
local defense force in fault information of Bird race invasion force heading
toward the Comae RQ-12 Colony.

(NERF - Win)



Gorn Border :


Sector 1451 Colony Raid (minor):

The crew of Lucien Bouchard was able to practice support exercise with the
local defense force in fault information of Bird race invasion force heading
toward the Camville Roucies Colony.

(NERF - Win)


Sector 1452 Space Boars:

The space boars infestation is clearly in the Dino-Mites sector and NERF
will not intervein unless requested by the Dino-Mites.

(Gorn – Win)


Sector 1453 Canisters:

NCLs Alabama and Repulse will analyse and bring back the data to our

(Result to follow)


Sector 1454 War Memorial:

This year memorial was uneventful.

(NERF - Win)


Sector 1455 Terrain Defense wt Ground Combat:

François Gendron commando’s did not encountered resistance in taking the

(NERF - Win)


Sector 1456 Hostile Militia:

Command acknowledge the lost of a low importance Ground facility on Haguessy
Marlon planet.

(Gorn – Win)


Sector 1457 R&D Exercize:

The Stéphane Bédard crew successfully conducted a R&D on a very special

(NERF - Win)


Sector 1458 Refit Raid:

The NERF external policies and position on this border does not permit the
use of the Navy for actively assaulting a sovereign state resource center
without justify cause.

(Gorn – Win)

Sector 1459 Artifact Singularity:

The condition in this sector were not very good to totally investigate the
singularity and the arrival of a Dino-Mites fleet made matter worse, Ville
de Montréal left the sector.  

(Gorn – Win)


Sector 1460 Death Star:

The mission of Ville de Gatineau was to do a very quick flyby in gather
information on this system.  At full speed it will bring back the data to

(Gorn – Win)


Sector 1461 Hostile Militia:

Charlie’s Angel militia platoon successfully secure the GCL on Hollow Mayden

(NERF - Win)


Sector 1462 Pursuit:

How can they be a pursuit went the NERF are not even present in this sector!

(Gorn – Win)



Romulan Border : 


Sector 1463 Terrain Defense wt Ground Combat:

Command acknowledge the lost of a low importance Ground facility on
Tiverduff Digway planet.

(Rom – Win)


Sector 1464 Death Star:

The mission of DNG Je me Souviens is to disrupt has much as possible this
important Romulan system.

(Result to follow)


Sector 1465 Banshees:

The Banshees infestation is clearly in the Romulan sector and NERF will not
intervein under no circumstance.

(Rom – Win)



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