Dramatic SFB: Errors with Fed BPV values in the client

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Tue Aug 3 20:45:26 PDT 2021

K, understand, thank you (unlikely but you could still have your entire forces mad of X ships, and send only 3 ship sized squadrons to each scenario.    On Wednesday, 4 August 2021, 09:01:02 am AEST, Matt <matt at mattnet.org> wrote:  
   (and if there is no limit on [X-ships], than you will see fleets of them)  

This campaign hasn't changed (S8.0) except in very specific ways. So the limits on X-Ships still stands. Particularly:

 (S8.48) X-SHIPS cannot be used unless mutually agreed otherwise. (X-Ships are allowed in this campaign. - ed.)
 If used, there will be a maximum of one in a fleet of four-to-seven ships, two (of different size classes) in a fleet of eight or more ships.
 Alternatively, the entire battle force may consist of X-ships under the provisions of (XS8.48), or the battle force might include a squadron of three or four X-ships. Empires without a non-command heavy X-cruiser may substitute CCX ships for CAX ships in a squadron of three heavy X-cruisers. One X-ship may serve as a leader of a non-X Squadron under the limits of (S8.36). 

Note that the above and (XS8.48) is modified by the campaign's parameters in that there are no battle groups or "free" scouts.
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