Dramatic SFB: GWO latest turn

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Fri May 28 06:50:02 PDT 2021

Turn 5 encounter update,

Scenario 715 resolved on Romulan Star empire border, Paravian have some dragon steak and chips (Paravian victory Dragon destroyed).
    On Thursday, 27 May 2021, 11:21:13 pm AEST, Wayne Power via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
  Shearwater Albatross Petrel Paravian,
GWO Turn 6 (latest turn) Battles, unless opponent disengages from,
688, and 689 v Federation (NERF).
715 v Romulan (Star Empire).
738, and 743 v Gorn (Dino-Mites).
all good

    On Thursday, 27 May 2021, 06:30:22 pm AEST, Wayne Power via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 SAPP encounter report,
Federation NERF border:
688, Paravians will battle v DNG, GSCa+y, DW, and the NCLa+y.
689, Paravian will battle v CB, and NCLa+y.

Romulan Star Empire border:
715, Paravians will battle v Dragon 105 BPV.

Gorn Dino-Mites border:
738, Paravian will battle v HDD+
739, (Gorn Victory)
740, (Gorn Victory)
741, (Paravian Victory)
742, The Paravian sent one of the DWs to the Federation front; note some times I include the general units (depending on how solid they are) the defender gets in the scenario as part of the BPV for scenario battles), the Paravians disengage (Gorn Victory).
743, the Paravian will battle v BDL+
744,  (Gorn Victory)

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