Dramatic SFB: What the heck is an MKH?

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Tue Apr 6 17:10:46 PDT 2021

> ... It's supposed to be an MHK with St-2's, but it looks like I built 
> an MKH with St-S's instead...
> ... Hey Matt, how does a fella go about scrapping a ship?

You can spend a turn to convert it to something that uses the same hull. 
Say, into an MHK... It's the same mechanic as being repaired.

Note, that while the software does not "know" what is a legal conversion 
or not, the mechanic is not intended to "Scrap" a ship and "Build" a new 
one in the same turn (e.g. convert a ship into a wholly new ship. Like 
convert your frigate into a battlecruiser.) Please stick to stuff that 
is likely to be a legal conversion (changing refits or changing variants.)


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