Dramatic SFB: SFB What the heck is an MKH?

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 15:25:14 PDT 2021

And this is why discerning researchers turn to Peter the Encyclopedia for
rules and info questions dealing with SFB.

Why bother trying to find the answers yourself when you can ask Peter.


On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 6:16 PM Peter DiMitri via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> It is actually an MKVH.  It must be since St-Ss are heavy fighters, and
> these can only be operated by the Hydrans on "true" carriers (those
> requiring escorts).  The SSD is the same as for the MKV which is in Module
> R10.
> From the Hydran Master Starship Book:
> (MKV-H): A few Mohawk-Vs were assigned to carry heavy
> fighters.
> The Mohawk-VH carrier for heavy fighters is an
> operational variant of Mohawk-V medium carrier (R9.95).
> Carrier: This ship is a true carrier (R9.R4); see (J4.75),
> (J4.93), (J11.13), and (J15.22). The fighters comprise a
> squadron of heavy fighters and a half squadron of Stinger-2
> hybrid fighters.
> Two bays each holding three fighters, three heavy
> fighters, and two admin shuttles. Each bay includes four
> launch tubes (J1.54). Transfers between the bays by (J1.59)
> are possible.
> Year Escorts Fighters
> Y179+ NAC, DWA 6xSt-2,
> 6xSt-T or 6xSt-U
> The fighters listed are those for the Mohawk-HV itself and
> do not include any fighters that might be carried by its
> escorts.
> Escort ready racks: The ready racks of the escorts if the
> escorts did not have fighters of their own were configured for
> Stinger-2s (R9.F2). Escorts cannot have ready racks for
> heavy fighters; see (S8.318).
> Aegis Escort Lancers (R9.16A) and new aegis cruisers
> (R9.34A) were virtually interchangeable and either might be
> used when available.
> Refits: None.
> SSD is identical to the Mohawk-V; use the MKV counter
> in Module R10.
> Known names: Royal Command.
> Peace,
> Peter S. DiMitri
> ------------------------------
> *From:* SFBdrama <sfbdrama-bounces at lists.mattnet.org> on behalf of David
> via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 6, 2021 5:31 PM
> *To:* sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>
> *Subject:* Dramatic SFB: SFB What the heck is an MKH?
> I'm up for playing out 310 Colony Raid if someone can tell me what a MKH
> is.
> In G3 it says it's in a "Future Product" and it's not in SFBOL. The website
> indicates an off-hand reference to it in CL29 but the table of contents
> doesn't list a SSD. It seems to be a thing in Fed and Empire. I'd expect it
> to be some variant and I'd prefer it to carry three heavy fighters but I'd
> like to actually know.
> Colony Raid 312 - CWs vs Hydran DWs I'm up for that.
> Prospecting Raid 360 - CW vs. Jindo DW, sounds good.
> Pursuit 339 - DW vs Seltorian CA. Our ships are pretty good but not 22
> power
> vs 40 power and 3 p1s vs 8p1s good. We'll be disengaging.
> My email is david at jannke.com (Frax Unnamed Empire)
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