Dramatic SFB: Romulan Star Empire T5 report

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Thu May 27 10:32:08 PDT 2021

The Federation Horde (Federation) Border:
The Morey Eel of Space #662 - We will escort the Eel toward the planet

Shearwater Albatross Petrel (Paravian) Border:
Dragon Attack #715 - The dragon will attempt to ravage the planet

Tall Enough (Hydran) Border:
R&D Excersize #719 - Shrike will defend the prototype

Empire Name (Gorn) Border:
Moderate Colony Raid #721 - We will defend our colony
Convoy Raid #722 - We are attacking the convoy

Tribunal Battle Fleet 13 (Seltorian) Border:
Prospecting Raid #723 - We are attacking
Base Defense #724 - We are attacking

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