Dramatic SFB: Battle Report Convoy 312, GWO
david at jannke.com
david at jannke.com
Sun Apr 18 00:26:24 PDT 2021
Frax are RTA
Brent and I ran an excellent battle tonight. It went back and forth and
could have gone either way.
Frax Convoy Raid 312: CW, CWS, DW vs DWL, DWS, DWF, Large Q-ship
Turn 1 Frax raiding team approached rapidly from behind while the convoy and
escort destroyers accelerated steadily. Once within battle range (about 20)
the DDs peeled off and turned back to face us. Three scatterpacks filled the
drone control channels. Near the end of the turn we tapped the DWS with 4 of
7 disruptors (R15).
Turn 2 was critical. Hydran fighters entered the board to help wipe out our
drone wave. We saluted them with disruptors - and missed with a 3 bolt
narrow salvo then damaged but did not destroy two others. Once more I was to
be taught Hydran fighters hurt out to range 10. Fleet fire including
Hellbore knocked down a shield on the CW and put 6 in. A Tbomb got the last
of the drones but placement forced the Hydran fleet to turn up to force
drone manuvering. The CW had turned away to avoid additional damage and
ended the turn a few hexes from the rest of the Frax fleet. Six in, a down
shield and hellbore on the board, it looked like the Frax were out of luck.
We had built special anti-fighter drones that hadn't even been used because
the ships were just in front enough to shoot them down before they would be
Turn 3 I did what everyone in SFB knows you never ever do: I split the
fleet. The CW went one way (at very high speed) and the CWS/DW went the
other way toward the freighters. The Hydran choice was chase one, the other
or split themselves. They chose to chase the CW with everything but ~5
fighters that simply couldn't keep up. My idea was that if they chased the
CWS/DW we would get an uninterrupted high speed phaser pass on freighters
then catch up with the CW within two turns with DWs hot on our heels. If
they chased the CW it could lead them off and stay at range until the
mission was accomplished. The Hydrans chased the CW - and almost caught it
close enough to do enough damage to prevent disengagement. The 5 fighters
found a t-bomb. The CWS/DW came in, tractored four freighters and began
dragging them away, shooting up a fifth. The Q-ship never had a chance to
launch fighters, but phasers and those special drones would have made it
very hard for them.
End result - Hydrans did more battle damage but the Frax got most of the
freighters for the technical win.
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