Dramatic SFB: Frax vs Romulan Cloak battle

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Wed Mar 3 18:16:50 PST 2021

> I am trying to figure out if the Axion torpedo is affected by the 
> opponent's cloak as it uses gravimetric targeting and not active or 
> any type of fire control.
> a sub while cloaked can fire the axion torp with no need of lock-on 
> but what about.
> non-cloak(frax) axion vs cloaked Romulan --or-- Cloaked(Frax) vs 
> Cloaked Romulan
> as far as I can tell they are not affected by a cloak in any way.

/*(E51.33) LOCK-ON EFFECTS:*//The Axion Torpedo uses a special fire 
control system, which is not connected to the ship's Active (//D6.6//) 
or Passive (//D19.0//) Fire Controls and cannot use ECCM while the ship 
is cloaked. The range is not doubled (//D6.123//) for the lack of a 
lock-on. ECM is used by the target unit normally. If the ship armed with 
the Axion Torpedo is uncloaked, it may use ECCM normally if its fire 
control is active./

I read this to mean that:

When a Frax submarine is cloaked and the opponent is un-cloaked: the 
doubled-range effect of passive fire control is ignored.

When the Submarine is un-cloaked and the opponent is un-cloaked: 
Consider as a normal direct-fire weapon.

When a Frax submarine is cloaked and the opponent is cloaked: The 
doubled-range effect of passive fire control is ignored. However, add 5 
to the range (G13.312) (G13.32) and use the fire adjustment chart 
(G13.37) due to the EW effects of the cloak.

When the Submarine is un-cloaked and the opponent is cloaked: The 
doubled-range effect of passive fire control is ignored. However, add 5 
to the range (G13.312) (G13.32) and use the fire adjustment chart 
(G13.37) due to the EW effects of the cloak.

However, you should double-check with the main BBS, as I'm not making a 
ruling on this.


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