Dramatic SFB: New "Main" Campaign

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Mon Jan 25 17:02:09 PST 2021

> I found that a few empires are more powerful than others,

Perhaps so. But efforts have been made to keep some sort of parity 
between empires. Everyone does it differently: Feds get scads of 
fighters, ISC get their awesome ships, Tholians get web casters, etc...

Some empires don't do as well. Klinks get ... Battleships. Romulans get 
expensive very-heavy-cruisers. Lyrans get early PFs. The WYN finally get 
real warships. You play the hand you're dealt and get a reputation if 
you can make your neighbors sing to your tune if you have an "inferior" 
empire. It really is about sticking to your empire's schtick (your 
"strength zone") and staying there.

> I also notice that as the YIS gets later, the battles become more 
> about the expendables (hoards of fast drones and hoards of fighters 
> and PFs)

That's a feature, not a bug. The X-Tech era is supposed to be about 
getting away from the attrition units because they stop being effective 
against the new systems.


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