Dramatic SFB: New "Main" Campaign

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Sun Jan 24 11:59:33 PST 2021

 Matt did say campaign set between Y166 and Y180.
"So it's time to start up a new "Main" campaign:

- This is open to anyone and everyone, with no limit on the number of

- It will be set sometime between Y166 and Y180. Three turns to a year.

- No conjectural ships (unbuilt variants, impossible builds, or other
non-historical designs.)

- The game will go for 24 turns (8 game years). The winner will be the
player with the largest fleet BPV at the start of the 25th turn".

    On Monday, 25 January 2021, 03:24:19 am AEST, Majead Farsi via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 I'm easy with the year! But think we should go with the following choices Y170, Y175 or Y180! From what I have read so far I would think Y175 to be a good choice, but 178 is OK too !
On Sun, 24 Jan 2021 at 16:19, Peter DiMitri via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

I like 178 too.  In those 8 years you get the PF deployment and the last "refits" and some x-tech.  It's a good transitional period.
My only issue with starting 171 in and 8 year campaign is that it ends in 179, where some races will have PFs and some races won't.  I'd rather a timeline that allows the new technologies to be fully deployed across the empires.  That could be solved by making it longer than 8 years, but I guess 8 years and 24 turns is a long campaign!
Peter S. DiMitri
From: SFBdrama <sfbdrama-bounces at lists.mattnet.org> on behalf of Brent Stanton via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2021 9:07 AM
To: sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>
Subject: Dramatic SFB: New "Main" Campaign Great news Matt! Thank you for the work that you do for us.

Concerning the starting year, I'm easy. Perhaps Y178? That would give everybody interceptors and a short lead up to full PFs and X-tech, and then several turns to play with all the advanced designs as they become available.
No preference on Omega stuff, just about everything is new to me anyway lol.
Don, on getting into more battles: Last campaign Wayne had a neat idea. He would send me the approximate strength of some of his fleets when he was spoiling for a scrap, something like "You detect multiple vessels with a warp signature of 1.5 in Sector ###". With that I was able to assign a force of approximately the same strength and we could do some shooting. If you've got a gentlemanly neighbor who won't take advantage of that information to steamroll you, that could be a potential solution without needed hard changes to the rules.

Dramatic SFB campaign chatter list
SFBdrama at lists.mattnet.org

Dramatic SFB campaign chatter list
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