Dramatic SFB: GWO - T1 - Ships selection

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Tue Feb 2 16:56:37 PST 2021

> I’m working on my fleet build.  I have a question regarding the start 
> date:
> Turn 1 is Y177 which quarter?  ( 1, 2 or 3)
> So we built our fleet to Y177, when you will press the button for turn 
> 2, are we going to be Y178 Q1? Or still in Y177 Q?

Good question!

I had to do some digging, 'cause I wasn't sure. but it turns out that 
the first turn is the last one of the starting turn.

That won't change the end date: I will still stop the game at the start 
of the 25th turn, whatever year that turns out to be.


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