Dramatic SFB: Sector 2410 AAR

Gregory Flusche shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 15:10:52 PDT 2020

OUCH saw it coming last night but had to get to bed. I thought maybe the DN
would escape damaged. I see not the case.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 6:04 PM Brent Stanton via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> This AAR has been compiled from the debreifing of the survivng forces by a
> joint panel of Office of Frontier Security and Internal Security Force
> staff. All efforts are being made at this time to slow the spread of
> information concerning our defeat.
> The events which transpired at the Vudar Bade Station in sector 2410 can
> only be described as an absolute disaster. Upon entering the area of
> operation all forces were at their highest combat readiness states, with a
> combat space patrol from IKV Rabbleslayer escorting the task group in
> through the sudden Ion Storm which savaged the sector. After making contact
> with the BS and the trio of Vudar cruisers rushing to its aid, all fighters
> were rapidly deployed and an initial screen of drones fired.
> It was at this point which the battle turned decisively in the Vudar's
> favor.
> Every single fighter and drone was destroyed in a matter of seconds by ion
> waves. With heavy EW interference and poor targeting solutions, it was
> decided to close to short range for the best chance of destroying the base.
> The dreadnaught IKV Terror led the attack run on the BS, and was
> subsequently destroyed under the combined fire of the cruisers ion cannons
> and the ion wave generator. The AD5 escort cruiser IKV Scorn was achored
> and boarded while the rest of the task force fled in open retreat.
> It is fortunate the admiral on IKV Terror is not alive to answer for this
> unmitigated failure.
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