Dramatic SFB: Jindarian Bomber dates

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Sat Dec 19 22:31:48 PST 2020

Hey guys. I'm still working on the campaign database project.

First: it looks like I'm still on track for finishing up by new-years. 
Good news all around.

However, I've run into a teensy little snag that bugs the heck outta me. 
The Year-In-Service dates for the jindarian bombers in module G3 has 
nearly doubled. This flies in the face of the bomber descriptions in a 
couple of particulars and is so wildly different than the original 
source (module F1) that it's got to be wrong. Buuut... G3 is supposed to 
be the most-current-update. All of my other data assumes it is 
authoritative (except for those few modules I have that were published 

So I'd like to see if you guys can find me some commentary that solves 
this issue one way or another (Errata? BBS comment? Email from 
ADB's-PR-nightmare?) If not, then I will (very reluctantly) have to go 
with the G3 dates as published and the Jindarians will lose their place 
as the first people with bombers by half a dozen spots.


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