Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs

Mike Johnson mdjohnson2112 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 06:22:51 PDT 2020

Catnip Duchy Turn 13 update!

*Sector 2387 Refit raid:* Peladine fleet pauses, considers the number of
disruptors in the Lyran force, and decides to pursue other priorities.
Lyran fleet relaxes as the prospect of undergoing a serious plasma bath
disappears.  On the down side, the ship made entirely of catnip was
launched but quickly fell apart as the crew consumed it from the inside
out.  Back to the drawing board!

On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 11:21 AM Mike Johnson <mdjohnson2112 at gmail.com>

> Catnip Duchy Turn 13- two encounters of note.
> *Sector 2387 Refit raid:* Peladine forces have decided to attack a Lyran
> construction dock to prevent the completion of our first ship composed
> entirely of catnip!  Peladine have a light dreadnought, 4 destroyers, and
> several interceptors.  Lyran force is a battle tug, battlecruiser, scout
> cruiser, and a small fleet of PFs.  And don't forget the looming threat of
> the mysterious catnip vessel almost ready to join the fray.....
> *Sector 2407 Convoy raid:* Cargo shipments of the precious catnip are
> threatened by the so-called "peacekeepers" of the galaxy!  The nip must
> flow!  ISC brings a CS accompanied by a small carrier and two escort
> ships.   Lyrans defend with a destroyer squadron supplemented by a squadron
> of PFs.
> Two very interesting battles this turn!
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 8:18 PM Don Lavanty via SFBdrama <
> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>> Black Crows  (Paravian)
>> no fights again...
>> unless SPQR Rom's want to fight the #2320 Convoy Raid I am marking it
>> defeat defender
>> On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 1:53 PM Gregory Flusche via SFBdrama <
>> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>>> WOW it ended and well not much for me it seems.
>>> Both Federation borders all quiet.
>>> I do not expect the Thoilians will contest my new colony planet.
>>> Nothing vs the SPQR as well
>>> That leaves the huge border with the ISC.
>>> My convoys go unmolested.  Both Planet crushers are dead. I did not go
>>> after his tug. He declined to fight a open space battle I was so hoping he
>>> might. My ships will leave his colony alone.
>>> That leaves me with 2252 and i sent to many ships .  the SPG was amd a
>>> SEA were not going there..... sigh. That does leave me with the SPA+m with
>>> CENTs and the SEC and SKA. So i will go after that convoy.
>>> So all of this and one fight... unless some one is nuts.
>>> On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 11:49 AM Majead Farsi via SFBdrama <
>>> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>>>> Carnivon are very quick this turn! 2 possible encounters with
>>>> overwhelming force, 1 to my benefit and one not in my favour:
>>>> #2283  Vs Hydrans-   Not fighting that one so Hydran Win!
>>>> #2365  Vs Vudar  - I have very overwhelming force! So I assume a
>>>> Carnivon Win! Matt??
>>>> If above OK we are RTA!
>>>> On Sun, 27 Sep 2020 at 15:53, Matt via SFBdrama <
>>>> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>>>>> My apologies, folks. I had intended to hit the button on friday.
>>>>> However, this weekend has been pretty solidly booked for me.
>>>>> In other news, there's almost 200 encounters up on the screen when you
>>>>> log into the game. That's alot of activity for 15 players!
>>>>>   • 142 encounters are auto-adjudicated.
>>>>>   • 18 encounters have overwhelming force.
>>>>>   • Examined 182 encounters.
>>>>> --Matt
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