Dramatic SFB: New Campaign Data

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Mon Sep 14 21:00:35 PDT 2020

The Omega Octant is not a balanced one like Alfa, some Omega empire are overpowered. I think several of the early/mid war Omega (module 1 and 2) could be ok to use in an Alfa Campaign in the early/mid war period. Module 2 is upgrades and general war period for module 1.
    On Tuesday, 15 September 2020, 10:01:29 am AEST, Matt via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 Hey there Gents,

The upcoming ModuleG3 dataset for the campaign is nearing completion. 
All that remains is drone speeds and attrition units. I expect that to 
be fully integrated by Christmas at the latest.

This has gotten me thinking about other things that can be layered in. 
Occasionally I get asked about an Omega campaign. For reasons that I'm 
not going to go into, I will not purchase the modules myself. However, 
if any of you guys wish to send me the Omega modules, I'll add them to 
the dataset when it gets put in and start running Omega campaigns 
concurrently with the Alpha campaigns.

There is no pressure to do this. I won't be annoyed or anything if 
nothing comes of this. Business will continue as it has been (though the 
new dataset will mean a wider range of eras to play in, regardless.) 
Think of this as a Kickstarter thing, not an arm-twisting thing.

If interested in contributing, I'm most interested in the first three 
modules (Omega 1, 2, and 3) though the last two might fill things out. 
You may coordinate with me for what hasn't been spoken for and for the 
shipping address. I'll note that (from appearances) those first three 
modules seem to set the bar for a minimum-need situation. I don't feel 
there will be enough to justify Omega campaigns without all three. 
(Owners of the Omega stuff should feel free to change my mind if needed.)

On a related note, a couple years ago a few of us were daydreaming of 
running a set of Car Wars campaigns (published by Steve Jackson Games) 
with the same software that is behind the Dramatic SFB. This can totally 
be done and I have rulebooks and other material to create the 
appropriate dataset. The big hold-up for this going forward is a lack of 
online software to play the game (analogous to SFB Online.) If anyone 
can come up with an existing software to allow multiple players to play 
I would be most pleased to look at it (even if I have to install it on 
my own server, though the assumption is that someone else is running it.)


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