Dramatic SFB: United Counties Sitrep

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Wed Aug 19 00:09:52 PDT 2020

I think this link is for the AoPF Campaign, not FMJ.    On Wednesday, 19 August 2020, 04:57:36 pm AEST, Michael Helbig via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 To the esteemed Fearless Leader of the United Counties. Below is the report for Y163.
Romulan SectorEncounter 2023UCS Abel Cook while exploring the remote location encountered a race very foreign to us. Upon further investigation it was determined that this race is very aggressive and could not be allowed to encroach upon UC space. The very inferior sublight ship slank away leaving the sector to us.UC Win
Gamera Klingon SectorEncounter 2031UCS Keje-Fris-Ar is tasked to protect a convoy of acid pellets disguised as Kzinti litter. While on this assignment they have come across a lone F5 thinking about stealing this valuable cargo to sell to the Hydrans as ice cubes for their mixed drinks. UCS has overwhelming advantage. Will the F5 run?
Encounter 2032UCS Russ Chapelle looking forward to scoring brownie points with the high command discovered a Dilithium asteroid. While moving in to mine some of these rare beauties they were interrupted by the D7C Unrepentant. Being Unrepentant at stealing our goodies the Russ Chapelle was forced to disengage and look for crystals elsewhere.Gamera Win
Barony of ThunderaEncounter 2034UCS Nathaniel Hardee being ordered to check out the distant part of Thundera space looking for places to deposit Kzinti litter also encountered a crystal asteroid. Moving in to mine this they were intercepted by a Thundera CL. Being a bold captain and not wanting to let these sorry excuses for flea bags get the crystals orders red alert and is preparing for battle.Battle to be fought.
Encounter 2045 UCS Spon-Ar-Aak has been dispatched to rescue Thundera defectors from a planet in the neutral zone. These poor cretins wouldn't have needed rescue if they could've found proper working equipment. It's been rumored that the Thundera leader keeps the only working shuttlecraft for his pet turtle.UC win
Gato Conquistadores SectorEncounter 2053 UCS Spanky McFarlane has intercepted a Gato convoy, Being a renegade county it is the responsibility of the McFarlane to confiscate war contraband from this insignificant upstart. The enemy has warned us off and appears to be willing to try and defend our justifiable intercept.Battle to be fought.
Encounter 2054 Neither side wished to desecrate this shrine.Encounter dropped
Annoyed Kzinty Administration Hostile Militia 2060 The AKA has attempted to set up an outpost blocking our esteemed leaders route to his vast and envious harem. The UCS Sonny Competi was dispatched to keep the route open. Upon entering the sector the AKA SDF ran with its tail tucked between its legs.UC Win
Encounter 2061 The UCS Tab-At is defending a group of prospecting units in an asteroid field when an AKA destroyer stumbled upon them. After telling them they took a wrong turn at Albuquerque they insisted it was the proper left turn and has raised shields and is preparing to ruin the day.Battle to be fought.

End report

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