Dramatic SFB: Missing new construction vessels

Larry Stanton daddydragon at msn.com
Thu Jul 23 17:56:31 PDT 2020

Thanks, Wayne. I did double check my stockpiled EP.

The points I have stockpiled from the previous phase are displayed on the page below the scenario resolution is more than sufficient to purchase all of the ships I selected.

They were there when the turn advanced to this current phase, because I specifically checked to make sure that the names that I set for each ship had been applied across the turn advance, and at some point during the past two weeks while we’ve been resolving battles, they have disappeared. After looking at my notes, it is three ships that are missing, plus a pack.

This is two purchase turns in a row that I have purchased ships and they have not been built. One of the reason that I had such a large stockpile last phase was because half the ships I bought the previous build phase fell off the list when the phase advanced.. That is why I made sure to check when we advanced to this phase. All I know is that they were there and now they are not (or else I would have brought this up then). Adding insult to injury, the one ship that is being built and will be ready next phase, cannot be employed without the missing ones.

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From: Wayne Power<mailto:wdpower at yahoo.com.au>
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2020 7:21 PM
To: sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org<mailto:sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>; Larry Stanton<mailto:DaddyDragon at msn.com>
Subject: Re: Dramatic SFB: Missing new construction vessels

I think It could be that your EP was reduced during the turn, and did not have enough to pay for all the builds (the client then works from the bottom of your build list up to adjust for EP loses).
On Friday, 24 July 2020, 06:49:11 am AEST, Larry Stanton via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:


I built three new ships and a pack during the last phase of the current AoPFs turn. They verified that they were there when turn cycled to the current stage. Two of the ships and the pack are missing now after clicking RTA.

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