Dramatic SFB: Fwd: AoPF - T13 - Earth Federation Front - Report

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Mon Sep 28 14:59:33 PDT 2020

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Subject: 	AoPF - T13 - Earth Federation Front - Report
Date: 	Mon, 28 Sep 2020 14:43:05 -0400
From: 	Roch C <R.Chartrand at Videotron.qc.ca>
To: 	sfbdrama-bounces at lists.mattnet.org
CC: 	r.chartrand at videotron.qc.ca

*The Earth Federation Front report the following :*

Look like I have 2 possible scenarios for Age of PF to resolved 
diplomatically or tactically with SFBOL.

Don, I am revisiting our diplomatic conversation about the economic 
imbalance.  Taking both 120Ep scenario will definably work toward this 
goal and it will not go against our non-aggression agreement.  See 
Sector 2317.

Larry, I will observed the 2326 planet crusher in it natural environment 
and help to preserved it life.  See Sector 2326

*Empire of the Sun Romulan Border:*


Sector 2239 Diplomatic Immunity:

The Earth Front have perfectly identify the spy that is trying to 
infiltrate us by impersonating a diplomat.  We have others mean, to pick 
him up later and deport him back to our Romulan neighbour.

Empire : Win

Sector 2240 Convoy Raid:

This Empire Convoy must have contain precious items (secret techs, gems 
or contraband) to be escorted be 5 ships.  And by staying on the edge of 
their side of border there was no need by the Front navy to investigate 
further or to find out the details.

Empire : Win

Sector 2241 Banshees:

The EFS René Lévesque reported a very good hunting score against a herd 
of Banshees in sector 41.

Earth Front : Win

*Black Crows Paravian Border:*

Sector 2312 Pursuit:

The Earth Front warning station have pick up the activity of a Police 
Frigate Leader in this empty pocket of space, and command did not bother 
to sent any units.

Paravian : Win

Sector 2313 Morey Eel of Space:

The EFS Pierre Marc Johnson detected a Morey Eel and manage to approach 
it and study it in more details.  Xenoscientist will be happy to study 
the data for months.

Earth Front : Win

Sector 2314 Organian Treaty Colony:

The Earth Front is please to have made this great colony treaty with the 
Organian, it is a new step in our sphere of prosperity.

Earth Front : Win

Sector 2315 Hostage:

The Earth Front resolved a very dangerous hostage situation, and was 
able to secure valuable information to open trade with a minor race.

Earth Front : Win

Sector 2316 Cargo Tug:

The EFS Guy Chevrette successfully escorted Tug 2316 to it destination 
in Centoris Tau 16.

Earth Front : Win

Sector 2317 Canisters:

The EFS Gettysburg is in sector 2317 to step up pressure on diplomatic 
negotiation with our neighbors to resolved economic imbalance.  It meet 
the Paravian response ships into a location that what was first thought 
to be a debris field, but turn out to be filled with strange canisters, 
the science section is studying very closely the effect of these 
canisters.  While the tactical section is watching the 2 Black Crows 
Police Frigates.  For the captain the situation is tense because the 
Diplomatic corps or Command didn’t sent orders updates.

Diplomatic channel are open. Awaiting the Black Crows response.

Sector 2318 Refugee Flight:

The EFS is not behind any pressure or activities that resulted into this 
population to seek out refuge in our neighbors.  The Front social corps 
is investigating that matter very seriously.

Paravian : Win

Sector 2319 Colony Raid:

The Earth Front is well aware that the Black Crow do not use it Navy for 
activities of raiding a sovereign state legitimate holding.  But notice 
the activity that led Black Crows to the open of a new trade route.

Paravian : Win

*Klingon Border :*

*Empire Side :*

Sector 2322 Terrain Defense wt Ground Combat:

The EFS New Zealand squadron successfully added a new sector to the 
sphere of influence of the Earth Front.

Earth Front : Win

Sector 2323 Pursuit:

This very poor resource sector was not deem noticeable by either empire.


Sector 2324 Organian Treaty Colony:

The Earth Front is please to have steal this treaty from the Empire.  It 
will make great use of it resources.

Earth Front : Win

*OFS Side :*

Sector 2325 Convoy Raid:

The EFS Australia swiftly intercept and impounded a counter band Klingon 

Earth Front : Win

*Indomitable Will Tholian Border :*

Sector 2326 Planet Crusher:

The EFS Golan patrol detected an ancient Doomsday Machine that showed 
all the sing of being starving. The captain of Golan decided to guide it 
to the near by suitable planet, and study it behavior, help it out if 
necessary to feed. Unfortunately for the beast the Will send ships to 
protect an unchartered System.

Scenario to solved by SFBOL

Sector 2327 Passing the Baton:

The Will doesn’t know but the Earth Front Section 32 knew of the cargo 
of the tug and secret of the “Catnip” content!  The Earth Front is 
please to see that the Will was easily fooled buy the OFS.

Tholian : Win

Sector 2328 Colony Raid:

The Will do not seem to understand what a recon in force is.  The EFS 
Gravelotte squadron only made a fly by to gather better information on 
the activities detected in sys 328.

Tholian : Win

*Vibrant Venemous Vudar  Border :*

Sector 2329 Banshees:

The Banshee herd detected in sector 2329 is well inside Vudar space and 
the Earth Front didn’t received any request of help.  It is policy to 
not intervein in internal matter of neighbor state.  From report it look 
like the Venemous Vudar didn’t see fix to chase them either.


Sector 2330 Terrain Defense wt Ground Combat:

The Earth Front detection station 30 detected some landing activities in 
a nearby Vudar planet, and it only was recorded for future analysis.

Vudar : Win

*New Race  Border :*

Sector 2331 Extragalactic Incursion:

The Earth Front consider that is it hard enough to travel into our 
galaxy that it doesn’t believe in Extragalactic Incursion.

Peladin : Win

End of report

Earth Federation Front

Sector 2135 Planetary Bombardment:

The Earth Front conducted a very large scale exercise with a simulated 
planetary bombardment on Proxima Bali 35 in order to evaluated the 
responsiveness of the fleet and the preparedness of the ground emergency 

Earth Front : Win

Sector 2137 Marine Rescue:

The Earth Front command the great effort that the Black Crow undertoke 
to rescue their stranded personnel.

Paravian : Win

Sector 2xxx Terrain Defense wt Ground Combat:

The Earth Front intelligent gathering station noted in it observation 
report that the Paravian have landed ground troops at their important 
location 2132, probably a marine exercise.

Paravian : Win

Sector 0xxx Base defense:

The Sauropods base is under constant observation by the STF and no 
current activities has prompted a response from the self-defence force. 
   (Gorn Win)

Sector  1xxx Cargo Tug:

Sol Terrain Tug 954 in route to Unia-4, with important relief and 
medical supplies, sent a urgent call requiring protection from and 
Sauropods harassment.  STS Excelsior squadron was dispatched to escort 
Tug 954 to destination and take vigorous actions to stop the Sauropods 
bullying.  (To be resolved by SFBOL battle).

Sector 0xxx Colony Assault:

The report from STS Wakefield from colony 0832, indicated no present of 
Romulan activities.  (Fed Win)

Sector 1xxx Convoy Raid:

Once more STS Michael patrol escorting convoy 956 is call in to repel 
Romulan raiders.  (To be resolved by SFBOL battle).

Sector 1xxx Convoy Raid:

Sol Terrain policies and regulation forbid the use of the Navy for 
activities of piracy or the raiding a sovereign state merchant fleet. 
(Rom Win)

Mobile : 819-xx2Sector 0xxx Dragon Attack:

The colonist on planet 0831 reported the eminent attack of a space 
dragon.  STS Valiant squadron has move to the colony system to find a 
lost baby dragon.  The squadron safely reunite the baby with it mother.  
(Fed Win)

Sector 1xxx Organian Treaty Colony:

Once again the presence of the Sauropods in system 952 has almost 
shattered the agreement the Sol Terrain made with the Organians.  Navy 
Command had wisely prepare and dispatched an sizable escort fleet to 
support any treat at the installation site of the new settlement.  (Fed 

Sector 2133 Planetary Bombardment:

The Earth Front conducted a very large scale bombardment exercise on the 
moon size asteroid 213 in order to use out of date ordonnances. This 
asteroid is in Earth Terrain sphere of influence close to Paravian, that 
may have confuse observers in believing an action against the Paravian.

Earth Front : Win

Sector 1xxx Probe Recovery:

The Sol Terrain is denying the lost of Probes anywhere along the 
Sauropods border, and as proof they have not sent ships with orders to 
recover Sol Terrain belongings of any kind.  (Gorn Win).

Sector 0xxx Terrain defense wt Ground Combat:

The Sauropods have enter into a Sol Terrain controlled system, and have 
landed ground troops near the important location 829.    Head of State 
Emma Vexx have dispatched fleet captain Handcart abord STS Constitution 
leading the self-defence force squadron to protect Sol Terrain 
prosperity sphere.  (To be resolved by SFBOL battle).

Sector 0xxx Very Special Ally:

STS Defiance squadron investigated a suspect monster activity in sector 
0833, and has detected the presence of Romulan inference behind this 
activity.  It will respond with the necessary force to protect the 
prosperity sphere from Romulan interference.  (To be resolved by SFBOL 

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