Dramatic SFB: Battle Turn 10 Report & Scheduling - TIWotTHiATaSW

Larry Stanton DaddyDragon at msn.com
Wed Jul 8 13:21:08 PDT 2020

To be resolved:

Colony Raid #1571
To Our new Romulan neighbor, Welcome to the Galaxy!

On behalf of The Indomitable Will of the Tholian Holdfast, its Annexes, Territories, and Subjugated Worlds (a.k.a. TIWotTHiATaSW), We offer you greetings and a hearty offer of battle!

If you are prepared to engage, I am available during the work-week after 15:30 CDT in the United States, and almost anytime on the weekends. Just let me know when and where, and we can duke this out. Task Force Aleph led by “TWW Will of Tholia” and her escort group await your response.

Or you may submit to the Will (you know you want to). :)


Space Boars #1448
In Sector 1448, along our border with the Empire of the Sun, The Will enjoys the opportunity to engage in the what the indigenous peoples refer to as "boar hunting".  Since “TWPD 010” was too small to pose a threat to the overall population, after scoring a single kill, Commissar Argorax has returned with the carcass to The Holdfast so that our War, Intelligence, Transportation, & Security forces can gather data on the creatures for future reference.    Tholian Victory

Dragon Attack #1494
In Sector 1494, “TWW Scimitar” and “TWW Servitor 3000” investigated reports of space "dragons" in the region, but none could be located. It is believed that the reports may have been used a ruse by Seltorian sympathizers to lure our ships from their scheduled patrol route. Intelligence sources suspect that Orion cartels operating across the border in EFS space may be supplying weapons to the separatists and will increase surveillance along that section of the border.    Tholian Victory

Dilithium Crystal Asteroid #1495
In Sector 1495, “TWPD 011” reported the discovery of a valuable field of dilithium rich asteroids. Mining specialists have been dispatched to harvest this valuable resource.    Tholian Victory

Artifact Singularity #1496
The Will police cutter “TWPD 012” will gather astrometric data from a safe distance and then withdraw when EFS Bernard Landry arrives. Crystalline entities and gravitational instability/gravimetric shearing do not mix.   Tholian Withdrawal - EFS Victory

Colony Assault #1554
Operations Command reported that absolutely nothing happened in Sector 1554 during this cycle.

Base Defense #1562
The base in Sector 1562 reported that all was well. Web Tender “TWV Provider 100” made a scheduled stop to maintenance the web buoys and perform checks on the protective web barriers currently in place. No deficiencies were reported.    Tholian Victory

Colony Raid #1570
In Sector 1570, a previously unknown Romulan polity has been encountered. While they are of the Romulan species, it does not appear that they are related the Empire of the Sun. As is already so blatantly apparent in this galaxy, the species here lack unity of purpose and culture, working at cross purposes to their own needs. Their disharmony is our benefit. We discovered the early stages of base construction on Quintallisa IV with a commercial base in orbit. Task Force Bet was dispatched to the system and the surface was purged and the orbital structures were demolished.    Tholian Victory

Colony Raid #1572
As mentioned earlier in the report, our newly discovered, second Romulan neighbor is hard at work establishing bases in Annexes already claimed by The Will. Again, we dispatched forces, this time Task Force Gimel, to conduct a raid in force, and all structures in the target system were demolished.    Tholian Victory

These resolutions are etched on the crystal.

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