Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Sat Jun 27 17:02:07 PDT 2020

> <smartass>
>      Actually, it's "plan for potential clobbering time"...
>      Clobbering time will come after everyone chooses their assignments
>      and we see if the "enemy" also assigns forces to the same 
> potential battles.
>      ... And everyone clicks RTA.
> </smartass>

Heh heh.. Well, whenever that line is delivered, there's usually a 
[very] short period where the talkee positions themselves for the 
aforementioned activity.

As for the anti-climactic scene directly following the line, well.. You 
see that sometimes. Usually for laughs.

The same here, but it's not the players that are laughing. It's the 
ship's captains. (e.g. "Did you see the face of that gorn when we warped 
in with THREE cruisers? It's like that convoy was the fat kid that 
nobody picks for a squash partner...")


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