Dramatic SFB: AoPF Turn 9 Battle report

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Mon Jun 8 05:35:23 PDT 2020

> In scenario 1237 does the GSA that is attached to the TUG as a POD 
> take damage (DAC) when the TUG takes internals ? I know the shields 
> are down and systems are off line, but can still be damaged?  (it 
> probably does, I have not got the POD attached in game)

Yes. Ground bases attached to pods (G14.74) are treated as inactive 
cargo. So the pod takes internals on cargo hits, and those internals can 
hit any system (sensor, etc) on the pod.

Also note that (G14.746) says that bases more than hjalf damaged may not 
be deployed.


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