Dramatic SFB: Carnivon Carriers and Escorts

Majead Farsi majeadfarsi at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 2 01:02:32 PDT 2020

Matt all your hard work is greatly appreciated. You and guys like yourself
who help put together this stuff is what makes it possible for us to play.
>From me and everyone else I'm sure a big Thank You!

On Tue, 2 Jun 2020, 03:41 Wayne Power via SFBdrama, <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> You do great work with running Campaigns Matt. (and yes I normally have a
> good look at what's available in Ships /Empire, some times limitations are
> good in fleet choice).
> On Tuesday, 2 June 2020, 11:29:52 am AEST, Matt <matt at mattnet.org> wrote:
> I see , we should of all perhaps looked at what ships and units were
> available to the empires before choosing one for the campaign.
> One should always analyze what is available to your empire before picking
> it.
> For example, I knew that the Vudar had nothing larger than a CC before
> this campaign. This leaves them short of firepower in a stand-up fight
> against a 12-ship dreadnaught-led opponent. However, I know that most
> battles are at the squadron-level and most players eschew the large fleets
> unless making a bid for overwhelming force.
> What's in the campaign dataset had been posted in the campaign rules. At
> the time I generated the dataset, I used only those modules I had on-hand,
> which is (in my humble opinion) pretty extensive.
> The fact that the Carnivons have no carriers in SFBOnline, is entirely a
> different matter and should have no bearing on the campaign. As you see
> unfolding before you, requests were made for the units to be added and they
> are being implemented. I'm to blame for the lack of Carnivon ships, since I
> was the one who generated them. Sorry folks.
> --Matt
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