Dramatic SFB: (no subject)

Larry Stanton DaddyDragon at msn.com
Sat May 30 19:05:56 PDT 2020

On behalf of the The Holdfast, we present this intelligence briefing to inform The Will of our state’s edification regarding our encounter/interaction details within and adjacent to our borders, annexes, territories, and subjugated worlds.

On the Empire of the Sun Border:
The Morey Eel of Space #1168
This One has the misfortune to report on an incident of horror. While it occurred to a colony world of our most belligerent neighbor, the crew of TWW Servitor 1000 observed the activities of a cosmic biologic, identified as a Moray Eel as it ravaged the world and left it devoid of life. Their long-range scans have been sent to our own academic institutions for study in the hopes that we can prevent such creatures from doing to our worlds what was done to theirs. With the loss of the world as a suitable base for the Romulan's offensive operations, this section of our border is currently clear, and we will reassign the bulk of patrolling vessels to other areas. (Tholian Victory)

Diplomatic Immunity #1169
TWW Servitor 1001 has reported that it intercepted and destroyed an Orion Pirate mercenary in the employ of the perfidious Romulans. Like the pirates from the Home Galaxy, they died like the cowards that all such creatures are. (Tholian Victory)

On the Earth Federation Front Border:
Diplomatic Immunity #1205
It would appear that the Earth Federation Front also has dealing with these Orions. Whether they are employing these pirates for their own nefarious ends, or the victims of some piratical criminal enterprise is not known at this time. TWW Servitor 1002 made long range scans of the encounter and then returned to its assigned patrol route. (Withdraw - EFF Victory)

Extragalactic Incursion #1206
Vagabond refugees from the Home Galaxy were encountered at one of our remote base stations. It is suspected that our EFF neighbors may have "pointed" them in our direction, though we are unsure if this was an act of altruism or implies some type of subterfuge. The few ships in their task force were barely space worthy and offered very little in the way of practical salvage. We are debriefing them now, acquiring renewed oaths of fealty to The Will, and assisting & preparing them for re-integration into polite society. (Tholian Victory)

Terrain Defense with Ground Combat #1207
TWW Servitor 3000 reports that it observed an EFF heavy command vessel identified as the EFS Gravelotte conducting what appears to be exploratory operations along the border. Since there was no reason for our ships to interact with theirs, long range scans were conducted, and our vessel returned to its assigned patrol route. (Withdraw - EFF Victory)

On the The Vibrant Venomous Vudar Border:
Convoy Raid #1258
Convoy operations along the villainous Vudar border were conducted without issue. Our intelligence analysts suspect that they may have had to focus their attention to one of their other borders, and so they were uncharacteristically absent from our own. (Tholian Victory)

On the Office of Frontier Security Border:
Convoy Raid #1263
The OFS battlecruiser IKV Dawnslayer sought to misappropriate one of our convoys and its cargo. TWW Sword of the Will and TWW Racketeer moved to intercept and it appears that the Klingons were dissuaded from pursuing their futile effort. (Tholian Victory)

This concludes the current cycles report for The Indomitable Will of the Tholian Holdfast, its Annexes, Territories, and Subjugated Worlds. Dissemination of the report without prior authority and consent of The Will is punishable by apprehension, trial, incarceration, and execution of all guilty parties, accomplices, and confederates. By compliance with these measures, The Will endures.

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