Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs moving along!

Drew Klenotic drew at klenotic.org
Sat May 30 18:43:22 PDT 2020

To the attention of the Commanding Fleet Admiral for consideration for 
dispatch to his Imperial Majesty.

Romulan Region: The Romulans have continued to let us go about our 
business unobstructed and as ordered, we have shown them the same 

Vudar Region: Most activities were conducted peacefully.  However, in 
sector 1245 it would appear that the Vudar had established a mining 
colony thinking it was their territory.  We doubt the veracity of their 
claim given the speed at which they quickly abandoned the facility.  
Their claim that this was due to the large marine force was in error... 
the marines were simply there to make up for the labor shortage until 
the facilities could be defended and labor from the home worlds could 

Klingon Region: As has been the norm, the Klingon Empire has been 
following the same "live and let live" policy as the Romulans and we 
have not been provoking them.

Klingon Frontier Sector:  Unfortunately, the Klingons on the frontier 
have not been so accommodating and as such destroyed our prospecting 
operation in sector 1249.  We will see what effect this will have.

ISC Sector:  We were confused by the show of force in sector 1250.  We 
do not believe we have shown any aggression and even showed "tolerance" 
when they had a "navigation error" with what I believe was one of their 
carriers.  We are deeply hurt that they trust us so little, especially 
given that the cost of any operation would not have justified the gain.  
We would recommend that the diplomatic department issue some very terse 
communiques through Tweeter questioning the legitimacy of first born 
heir of whoever is in charge over there.

Lyran Sector: The Lyrans felt it necessary to dispatch a small vessel to 
interfere with the USS Columbus' rescue operation of a station in 
distress.  However, the vessel's commander Commander Kaitlyn "Kitty" 
Roberts feels that the Lyrans were just trying to communicate positive 
intentions.  We will find out soon.

At this point, this Lyran "interruption" is the only point of potential 
hostility.  We await their response prior to finalizing our report.


Steven K Brakken, Admiral, Star Fleet Command
Office of Border Operations

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