Dramatic SFB: Invasion Game
Wayne Power
wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Thu Apr 23 17:54:35 PDT 2020
All good, can I add the Kzinti to my earlier list of three empires as another choice?
On Friday, 24 April 2020, 09:21:57 am AEST, Matt via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
As promised, here is more information on the upcoming invasion campaign:
Start year is Y176. 3 turns per year. End after Y183.
Each Galactic has 6 borders with an invader. They have no borders with
eachother. They start with 700 BPV - enough for a war cruiser per
border. They start with an income of 100 - most of their income is from
developed space.
There are two invader players. They will split up the players between
them (e.g. you're going to be fighting the same invader player through
the game.) Each invader will have approx. 2-4 opponents between them. If
I get more than 8 galactics, I'll look for another invader player.
Borders can be gained and lost between a galactic and an invader (either
invader). But if a reward gives a galactic a border with another
galactic, that border will be shut down by the moderator. Likewise
borders between invader players.
Dramatic SFB campaign chatter list
SFBdrama at lists.mattnet.org
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