Dramatic SFB: Another campaign

Michael Helbig admgrraven at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 08:07:10 PDT 2020

The Selts would be good past 180 as would the fish WYN.  Been itching to
play Orions but I believe they would not be a good fit as invaders.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 8:56 AM Matt via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>

> Depending on the Invading Empire, what would the year likely be
> (early/mid/late)
> By the needs of the database, the year would have to be between Y120 and
> Y180. Beyond that in either direction, and things get sketchy.
> That said, we could almost throw a dart at the wall in picking the invader
> and the year. Tholians could do very well in Y120, because they have access
> to better phasers. The same for Jindarians, plus the relative toughness of
> their ships to the other's ability to do damage. Andros do very well in the
> mid Y170s because they have access to some respectable SatShips and the
> Galactics technology hasn't caught up yet. The ISC have their refits up in
> the Y170s, so might make a good invader. The Borak, if they could be made
> to work with SFBOL might make a good invader at any year, since nobody has
> experience with them and they historically make a good fit.
> --Matt
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