Dramatic SFB: Scenario Battle resullts

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Wed Apr 1 22:39:25 PDT 2020

Scenario 653 Listening Post,
The Peladine start at WS 1 and the Klingon at WS 2, 16 speed for Peladine,  FF "Beth" changes down to 14 late, and the DD "Senusret"  goes to 12. The Klingon are at speed 22 and later 17 and 19,  the forces close the range. A plasma sabot F is launched by the FF that later hit for 3 on the #6 shield of the Tenacity (after good phaser fire). Two speed 32 Klingon drones launched earlier are closing on the FF, Klingon disruptor fire damage on FF shield #4, and later another 2 disruptors hit for more damage. The Interceptor "Ama " bolts an F range 7 missing, the interceptors end of turn one get a range 2 and range 3  phaser fire on Klingon flank shields for 8 (Klingon phaser fire previously used on plasma).  The fast Drones are put in tractor range, and one is destroyed, one takes 3 damage. Interceptor "zon" launches last plasma F range 2  (saved at turn 1 end).
Having a good game

     On Wednesday, 1 April 2020, 06:10:50 pm AEST, Wayne Power via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 Scenario 652 is completed (Peladine win),
The game went for two turns, the Peladine and Klingon charged in at high speed. Interceptors launched by the Peladine. Klingon fires range 15, the COM 'Gallius" front shield holds, drones, shuttles and plasma are launched.The Klingons slip out away from the SP drones and plasma, the Peladine slip in toward the planet, Interceptor "Ur" draws fire from two Defsats. The Gallius draw fire from two Defsats  at end of the turn and shield 6 is lowered and Marines transported aboard. 
All good____________________________________________________
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