Dramatic SFB: Fwd: Age of PF - T9 - Colony Raid - Forth Report

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Mon Jun 15 16:46:04 PDT 2020

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Subject: 	Age of PF - T9 - Colony Raid - Forth Report
Date: 	Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:16:08 -0400
From: 	Roch C <R.Chartrand at Videotron.qc.ca>
To: 	sfbdrama-bounces at lists.mattnet.org
CC: 	r.chartrand at videotron.qc.ca

Border Activities in sector 1204 Report Log supplemental

Stardate 98039.22

Commander Robert T Bigelow

Sky Complex 4

The Klingon fleet is now closing the gap between us at medium speed, the 
interceptors and Repulse are positioning themselves to get the best shot 
possible.  The base is still lending some protection to Repulse and some 
major jamming against Rabbleslayer.  A volley of drones is launched from 
Rabbleslayer escorts, just before the interceptors and Repulse fire a 
spread of Photons against Repressor,  with a 100% hit ratio!  Shield #6 
from Repressor collapse to oblivion, and important damages is score to 
various systems.  One information that is making my heart rejoice is 
that the shuttle bay is complete destroyed and so the 2 fighters that 
park there to reload.  Unfortunately it’s of short moment, Rabbleslayer 
open up against Alouette #11, and down it front shield.  Identification 
of the drones close to the interceptors fail, so it time to shoot as 
many as possible.  The interceptors take care of 4 of them and the 18 
shuttles that are at range 5 to 8 receive their target, a massive ph-3 
barrage take care of drone #5, and drone #6 manage to survive.  It hit 
Alouette #11 in the rear shield and caused major damage to the engine 
and toke out the photon launcher.  A follow up phaser fire from the 
Klingon will put it good for scape!  The repulse scatter pack finally 
bloom and offer more target to the Klingon fleet, Repulse fired it 
remaining photons and phasers at Repressor before it get out of range, 
now it #5 it at 6% strength.   The defense weapons must getting low, 
because Scorn use it aegis ability to id the incoming drones in order to 
select the most threatful.   From tactical it look like the Klingon 
fleet have use all of it anti drone ordonnances and most of it phaser to 
get rid of our drones.  At the end of the interval fighters are 
launched. Here they come!

Situation at end of turn 3:

  * EFS Repulse fix 2 more boxes on #1
  * EFS Alouette #11 has 2x ph-1 left, every other system are destroyed.
  * IKV Repressor manage to fix 1 boxes on #1
  * IKV Repressor #1 is about 2/3 gone, #6 is down and #5 has 1 box left.
  * IKV Repressor has about 20 internals
  * IKV Rabbleslayer has launched 4 fighters
  * Klingon fleet is about lest then 18 hexes away from Base

End of Entry

Border Activities in sector 1204 Report Log supplemental

Stardate 98039.20

Commander Robert T Bigelow

Sky Complex 4

Klingon fleet is still moving away for the moment at a good speed and 
are picking up the fighter that are left, they are staying at a good 
range (R25) from us.  Repulse and Interceptors are veering back and 
prepare for the next pass.   At mark 3500 they are turning to face us, a 
pair of drone is launched against our lonely shuttle, but just at it get 
close to kill it, it’s programming countdown ends and it release it 
package of drones that are flying fast toward their designated target.  
As the Interceptors and Repulse pass by us and around the planet it time 
for some drone to be launched toward the Klingon ships.  Our electronic 
suite still lend some protection to Repulse and as the Klingon ships get 
in range start to jam the carrier.  Klingon ships waited at the last 
intervals to kill our drones but they did it with considerable effort.  
Between mark 3750 and 3938 we fire many phasers at one of the escort 
ship with not very fantastic results.

Situation at end of turn 3:

  * EFS Repulse still have a few damages on #1, but manage to fix 2 boxes
  * IKV Repressor manage to fix 3 boxes on #6
  * IKV Repressor #1 is about 2/3 gone.
  * All Klingon Fighters are landed in Rabbleslayer (8), Scorn (2) and
    Repressor (2)
  * Klingon fleet is about lest then 15 hexes away from Base

End of Entry

Border Activities in sector 1204 Report Log supplemental

Stardate 98039.18

Commander Robert T Bigelow

Sky Complex 4

Repulse T-bomb toke out 7 incoming drones, and transported a second one 
roughly in the same spot to take care of the following wave, but the 
programming didn’t take for account the slower speed drones.  Base still 
lending electronic protection to Repulse, but the carrier is now to far 
to offensively jam.  Tactical reported that many drones were launch from 
the fighters and that Repulse and the Alouettes interceptors also added 
some protective ones for themselves.

After the massive drones launch from the fighters they turn away to put 
distance between them and us, they surely will regroup with the carrier 
to reload.

The base anti drones system is spitting a few rounds toward the drones 
that has slip the second T-bomb with great success.  We also release NCL 
from our grip and let her go on the hunt, a third T-bomb is transported 
before Repulse raise it shield.  The second T-bombs exploded but didn’t 
take out as many drone has expected, Repulse must tractor one of then to 
prevent it from hitting her.  Now that the information about those 
drones are showing up on the tactical overlay, we can help out with the 
ADD the remove the treat in front of Repulse.

The Interceptor tried to eliminate the electronic fighter but the 
photons shot miss completely.  So they turn back toward the base and 
start picking off drones at very close range with phasers.  The third 
T-bomb is set off and take down more drones.  With the sky clearing up, 
I order the science station to disrupt the guidance of some drones that 
are obviously targeting Repulse, with a success rate of 66% we are doing 
good.  Suddenly and explosion on the starboard side take out 3 more 
drones, guess Repulse discreetly roll out a T-bomb.

Few more phaser and ADD shot and the first wave of drones is no longer 
existing.  Now we have to brace for the second pass, this one will 
definitely be more challenging.

Situation at end of turn 2:

  * EFS Repulse still have a few damages on #1
  * IKV Repressor #6 half gone, manage to fix 1 box
  * 1 Klingon drones R4 behind from NCL
  * Klingon Fighters are landing in Rabbleslayer, for reload
  * Klingon fleet is about 20 hexes away from Base

End of Entry

Border Activities in sector 1204 Report Log

Stardate 98039.16

Commander Robert T Bigelow

Sky Complex 4

Once more, the OFS Klingon have sent a harassing carrier group to test 
our resolve.  The identification from our data came back positive, it’s 
the IKS D5V Rabbleslayer escorted by the AD5 Scorn and AF5 Repressor 
that are trying to disrupt our economic activities in this sector.  
Order was sent to the surface for the non essential citizen to protect 
themselves, and militia is being mobilized as I record this log. I 
request that the various shuttles take flight as soon as possible, in 
order to screen the planet and base from the drones that are sure to 
come in from the Klingons.

My demand for support was answer by EFS NCL Repulse that came in the 
last few intervals, thanks to our advanced tactical information sent it 
is at WS3.  Upon her arrival 2 mustang interceptors from the Alouette 
squadron separated from her hull and use the planet to boomerang their 
speed up.  A quick tactical data highly encrypted was exchange with 
Repulse and I will catch her in my tractor as she pass by in order to 
build up speed and reform with the Interceptors.  With Repulse scanner 
working at maximum to cut through the electronic chatter from the 
Klingon, I give the instruction to our science station to sent her some 
ECM protection in case the Klingon try anything at long range. 
  Rabbleslayer is making it approach at speed 15 and launched it fighter 
squadron leisurely.  With it fighters has the tip of the spear, a wave 
of drones is now vectoring on Repulse and maybe also on us,  the range 
it still to far to start identifying them, but according to the status 
board, our defense capability is online and vigorously tracking and 
waiting to optimum range to engage the threat.

At 625 intervals from start we launches an ECM drone for protection 
because the incoming swarm of drones is getting very concerning.  At 
that moment Rabbleslayer came into range to be fully bombarded by our 
electronic jamming suite.  Rabbleslayer open up with a barrage of 
disrupter fire and even with Repulse electronic protection 3 beams 
intersected her shield #1 and drop it by about 15%.  At 750 intervals 
from start it time to notify these marauders that they are not welcome 
here!  2 Photons prox and 8 Ph-1 from Repulse and us, drop the front 
port side shield of Repressor by more then half.  The return phaser fire 
from the Klingon barely made the base shield shimmer!

Repulse just dropped it front shield to transport a T-Bomb in the path 
of incoming shoal of drones, that should take care of part of them in a 
few intervals. Fighters are still on coarse to target, and the carrier 
group inflected it trajectory to move away from our weapons.

Situation at end of turn 1:

  * EFS Repulse few damages on #1
  * IKV Repressor #6 half gone
  * 16 Klingon drones between R4-9 from Base
  * Klingon Fighters are about R10 from Base

End of Entry

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