Dramatic SFB: Age of PF - Hydrax Prime encouter report

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 07:45:11 PDT 2020

Here is the encounter report of the Mighty Hydrax Prime Empire.

*On the Ridgehead Klingon border:*

*Artifact Singularity #730:* GEN+ Protector successfully recovered all the
crystals present, thus gaining some interesting economical knowledge to
boost our economy: *Hydran Vicotiry.*
*Colony Raid #731:* GEN+ Constable had a very quiet R&R time at our colony
since no enemy ships showed up. *Hydran Vicotry.*
*Artifact Singularity #732:* Since this singularity was deep into Klingon
space, we decided not to intervene. *Klingon Victory.*
*Probe Recovery #733:* We had no interest into acquiring Klingon
propaganda, so we left that sector alone. *Klingon Victory.*
*Colony Assault #734:* We decided not to send any ships ships there since
that colony had no economical value to us. *Klingon victory*
*Colony Raid #735:* Having receive intelligence reports that this colony
was infested with tribbles, we decided that we could not spare the
resources to have our ships disinfected after taking over. No ships were
sent. *Klingon Vicotry.*
*Prospecting Raid #736:* GEN+ Administrator was dispatched to insure that
all prospecting operations we running smooth. No enemy presence
detected. *Hydran
*Colony Raid #737:* GEN+ crew were due for much needed shore leave. No
enemy ships were detected. Crew is now well rested. *Hydran Victory.*

*On the Peladine border:*

*Colony Assault #738:* A Peladine DWM escorted by FF Nicolo were heading
toward our colony when DWH Striker popped up from behind the planet.
Knowing that their chances of taking down the mine field were reduced, they
decided to turn back and head home. *Hydran Victory.*
*Organian Treaty Colony #739:* TUG+ Stubborn Mule escorted by OV Genocide,
DWV Protect, DWA Assault and PGG Arduous successfully delivered the GSA to
the Organian planet. No Peladines forces showed up. *Hydran Victory.*
*Convoy Raid #740:* A Peladine force composed of 1 DNE, 2 DW's and 1 POL
decided to retreat when they realised that they would be facing 35 Stingers
from our carrier group composed of MKV Punisher, DWA Intercept, DWA Defend
supported by PICV+ Devotion. *Hydran Victory.*
*Banshee #741:* DWH Breaker successfully handled the the swarm of banshee
heading toward our base. We even manage to divert a few of them toward
Peladine space, hoping that they might cause some mayhem on their side. *Hydran

*On the Carnivons border:*

*Base Defense #742:* Neither empire has shown any interest in this base.
Scenario dropped.
Colony Assault #743: DWH Crusher took some earned R&R at this colony since
no enemy ship showed up. *Hydran Victory.*
*Convoy Raid #744:* A convoy of critical parts was escorted by UH carrier
group composed of UH+ Succession War, DA+ Follower, DDS+ Warning and DWH
carrier group composed of DWV Assail, DWA Secure and DWH Puncher
successfully made it to the required shipyard. No Carnivons dared to show
up or we would have blown them to pieces. *Hydran Vicotry.*

*On the Furball Kzinti Border:*

*Space Boar  #745:* The Hydrax Prime vehemently protest against the illegal
hunting of this endangered species. Further Kzinti incursion in our space
will not be tolerated anymore. *Kzinti Victory.*
*Convoy Raid #746:* Kzintis provided a complete manifest of the convoy
cargo. since none of the content could be used in they war effort toward
us, we decided not to intervene and lest them pass unharmed. *Kzinti
*Prospecting Raid #747:* GEN+ Deputy was present to insure proper
operations from the civilian crews working there. No enemy ships showed up
to disrupt operations. *Hydran Victory.*

With no battles taking places, the Mighty Hydrax Prime Empire is RTA.
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