Dramatic SFB: Scenario #617: The Morey Eel of Space battle report

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 19:31:56 PDT 2020

Sorry for the spelling, too many Cuba Libre to fight the Covid-19 :-)


On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 8:29 PM Marcel Trahan via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> The Hydrax PriMe defending fleet composed of DWH Breaker, DWH Striker and
> GEN+ Deputy started in 2201 heading D, with intent of protecting the colony
> form the Eel. Poorladine forces composed of 1 TUG with 2 SKT and a DW on
> the opposing side of the map.
> Hydrax prime forces were well aware of the incoming Eel (WS 3) while the
> Poorladine were way out in the field, if not trying to fond something in
> their pants (WS 1).
> Turn 1:
> Hydrax fleet moved at speed 20/18/16 heading toward the Eel. Poorladine
> did also speed 20. As the Hydrax fleet was moving toward the Eel, they
> drop/transported a sting of 6 TB's in the Eel path. On imp 10, GEN Deputy
> fired 2 Fus and 1 Ph-2 at the Eel, scoring 6 points of damage, drawing the
> Eel in the following impulse in its position, receiving 7 internals. Then,
> the DWH unleashed 4 Ph-G (4 pulses each), 4 Ph-2 and 4 OL HB, doing a total
> of 143 points of damage, 25 over the threshold to roll for destruction. Due
> to the accurate firing of the weapon crews, a 1 was rolled, thus ending the
> Eel on the spot.
> Following impulse, the Hydrax forces HETed, getting ready to disengage by
> acceleration on the following turn.
> The closed point of approach that could be managed by the Poorladine was
> 12, way too far for signifiant damage.
> End result. Eel destroyed. Hydran Victory.
> Hydrax prime is RTA
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