Dramatic SFB: Status of turn

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Sun Mar 8 08:44:35 PDT 2020

> Hey folks, I just wanted to check in on the status of the turn and see 
> if there was any news from this last week.

Wayne and I, where a rump Vudar cruiser squadron is attacking a major 
Peladine colony and motley assortment of Peladine hulls, are getting 
into turn three. His plasma are coming online this turn (he started with 
the tubes empty.) I've crippled a DW and am looking to put some more 
distance between us (bolted plasma are his big threat.)

This is going to be a fairly long battle. Plasma arming times does that, 
plus he outguns me slightly (even after trying to knock out his DW) so 
I'm forced to operate at range.

Drew and I had a game, where my DW squadron was up against a pair of his 
cruiser hulls. If I Recall Correctly, he decided to retreat because he 
felt my superior mobility (4 hulls vs 2) would scratch too much paint on 
his shiny fully-refit cruiser. So that one is in the books.

And that's all I had this turn.


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