Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs: Vudar vs Carnie

Majead Farsi majeadfarsi at googlemail.com
Sun Feb 2 00:36:27 PST 2020

Yes Matt well written, I could have blown up more of the ground bases but
not worth the effort. Just wanted to runaway!!

On Sun, 2 Feb 2020 at 01:23, Wayne Power via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Good one, thanks for the scenario battle report.
> On Sunday, 2 February 2020, 10:38:59 am AEDT, Matt via SFBdrama <
> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> Colony #373 is in the books with a Carnivon win.
> The Carnivons entered the map with a DN, a CW, and a pair of FFs, all at
> WS-I. The Vudar had a CWL, a CW, and a DWS, at WS-III but in orbit
> around the planet with a civilian Base Station (this was a major Vudar
> colony.)
> At the edge of the battle, the Carnivon attackers stopped and began
> charging their weapons and setting the fuses on their death bolts. The
> Vudar popped out a sensor drogue on every unit and sped up to warp 2.25.
> The Vudar warmed up their ECM rigs and began setting the tone for the
> whole battle: whatever the Carnivons wanted, it was going to be seen
> through the fuzz of excessive subspace noise.
> Nothing happened for the first couple of minutes of the battle. The
> Vudar began on the opposite side of the planet to the Carnivons and
> generally stayed near the planet. The Carnivons began accellerating
> slowly but moved oblique to the planet. The Vudar began to sally away
> from the planet but kept their speed, as it was the best the drogues
> could handle. The attackers turned in towards the defenders and sped up
> to about warp 2.33. They launched a full brace of fast death bolts at
> the Vudar CW from roughly 150K km.
> The Carnivons began to bore in behind their large missiles while the
> Vudar completed a swooping turn that brought them oblique to the
> attackers. The Vudar scout tried 6 times to break the lock-ons to the
> death bolts and missed every time. Later, the base tried and suceeded
> against two of the death bolts.
> At 80K km, the two forces let loose on eachother. The Vudar were firing
> through a neutral environment on the nose of the Carnivon CW with ion
> cannons and phaser-1s. She took 35 internals, just 6 away from being
> crippled. The DN and smoking CW fired moments later at the trailing
> scout (they were looking at a best-case situation of a +3 shift against
> the Vudar war cruisers.) The scout took 5 of 8 disruptor cannons from
> 150K km on an aft shield, causing 8 internals: 2 engine hits, a phaser,
> an IPG, and a control space. The Vudar then turned back to the planet
> with the Carnivons giving chase.
> Then the death bolts bore in on the CW. IPGs flared and phasers fired.
> The IPGs severely damaged the deathbolts and the sensor drogues both,
> and the phasers did poorly. of the six death bolts launched, two were
> distracted by the base's sensor channels, three were killed by phasers
> and ionic discharges, and the last struck the CW but from a distance due
> to the ECM involved. She took 9 damage to the fresh, rear shield.
> The Vudar had learned their lesson: keep the scout away from the enemy.
> Very quickly, it became apparent that the Carnivons were going to do a
> close-range run on the planet from the side opposite to the base
> station, and that the Vudar were using the same planet as cover against
> anything but sniping fire. All of this while everyone was breathing hard
> to load phasers and torpedoes.
> While the Vudar were trying to set up the next firing pass, the
> Carnivons got just outside the atmosphere. Here the frigates, who were
> hanging back from the earlier exchanges, cut loose on an agro station.
> They did 56 damage to a unit that couldn't take more than 40 damage.
> What was left was a smoking crater.
> Then the Carnivons began to pick up speed and exit the area. The Vudar
> war cruisers quickly recognized this and did a high-energy-turn off of
> batteries in order to give chase immediately. Ultimately, the slow
> attack speed of the Carnivons allowed the Vudar to get one shot on the
> rear shielding of the damaged CW before she managed to escape the area.
> Unfortunately, where the average damage would have left her just shy of
> crippled, the Vudar rolled like a Fed and did not even penetrate the
> shields.
> The Carnivon managed to damage the infrastructure of an important colony
> and get away with no lasting campaign damage. The only Vudar units
> damaged was the smoking crater that used to be a farm and their scout
> had scratched paint.
> --Matt
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