Dramatic SFB: New Borders

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Thu Jan 23 17:57:52 PST 2020

> In the Age of PF Campaign, and the Border War Campaign,is there still 
> a generated scenario that can gain a new border with a win?

Yes. With the scenarios as they are right now there are several, 
depending on who is the winner. Some scenarios have more than one entry, 
to allow for different reward mixes or to tweak other aspects of the 

One Morey Eel scenario for defender

One Banshees for defender

One FRD for attacker

One terrain Defense for defender

Base Defense for defender

Refugee Flight for defender

One Colony Raid (moderate size) for defender

Hostages for defender

Hostile Militia for attacker

War Memorial for attacker

Colony Assault for attacker


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