Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs: battle status

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Mon Jan 6 05:31:36 PST 2020

The Flexible Escort rule so states:

*(S8.315)* Players may adapt the "flexible group" rules from F&E 
(515.0). These can be summarized as follows: Carriers are divided into 
three types (size class 2, size class 3, and size class 4). ... *Size 
class 4 carriers must have one escort and can have two.* At least one 
escort must be size class 4...

(Emphasis mine)

A UH group is legal with a single escort, but cannot have three escorts 
(a third escort, if assigned, would have to sit out the fight. as would 
any fighters it might carry.) However, it could theoretically have an 
escort of a pair of DAs.


>         In F&E (515.22) the Uhlan is a medium carrier (CV = in SFB)
>         with minimum of two escorts, normally three.
>         (R9.17) Uhlan Carrier Y175+, escorts DA, 2xAH, true carrier
>         (R9.R4) Uhlan CV, should be still with two escorts even with
>         the S8 carrier rule allowing one less escort and it being a
>         size class 4, it is a CV class.
>         (I know in this campaign it is allowed with just one escort)
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