Dramatic SFB: Colony Raid #483 battle report

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 07:12:02 PST 2020

Expecting again carni meddling in our space, we sent the MKV Punisher
carrier group composed of 1 MKV, 1 PICV and 2 DWA to protect our colony. To
our surprise, a Carni DN escoted by a CWL, a CW and a FF showed up.
Since we were expected trouble, we remained at high readiness (WS 3) but it
seems that the Carni navigator forgot to tell the commanding officer that
they were about to drop out of high warp and the carni were totally
unprepared for action (WS 1).

Turn 1:

Due to our slow speed, we could only manage speed 11 for the first turn
while the Carni did 12/24. We passed near the planet, picking up some shock
troops from the ground bases and the SAMS. We then turn toward the Carni,
launching full fighters wings. The carni did a tight turn, probably seeding
the area with TB's. Fighters slowed down to remain in close formation with
their home ships. To our surprise, Carnis were running away from us and we
saw a spike in their warp engine indicating that they were about to escape
at high warp speed.

Another battle (well not even a shot fired) ending with the Carnis running
away with their tails between their legs like scared puppies do :-)

Hydrax Prime victory.

Hydrax Prime is RTA
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