Dramatic SFB: SFB Drama Age of PFs - I'm here!

Erika Kelvin erikakelvin at yahoo.com.au
Sat Dec 14 17:21:11 PST 2019

Dear SFB Drama members
I must admit to being a little late to the party, but I'm here now. I'd love to know what I missed! I'm the Lyran player in the new campaign, and judging by the disposition of my opposing numbers (these being the Hydran, Peladine, and Carnivon players), I think I might've missed out on alliance-making. In any event, looking forward to meeting you guys and figuring out what we're gonna do with our scenarios. I mean some are obvious (the Dusk's captain is gonna take one look at that convoy and 'nope' right the heck outta there), but still...

So, yeah... awkward as this is, what is up, guys...? What's the situation? ^^;

- John Swift
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