Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Mon Nov 18 17:11:59 PST 2019

So far there's 11 people in the Age Of PFs game. That's about half of 
the high-water mark from previous campaigns, but I expect people to join 
once things get moving. Of the seats so far, this is what I have:

Paul "Falrun" - Gorn
Greg "Vandar" - Romulan
Marcel "Devilish" - Hydran
John "Captain Trek" - Lyran
Don "AndroHatesOrions" - Paravian
Roch "Charlie" - PF Feds
Majead "Devil" - Gorn
Sebastian - Kzinti
Wayne - Jindarian
Drew "Tillek" - Federation
Pat "Hazelnut" - Klingon

So both Gorn and Federation seats are taken, and everything else is 


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