Dramatic SFB: Bringing the band back together

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Tue Nov 12 17:04:38 PST 2019

Many of you have been wondering if and when the campaign will begin 
again. That time is now.

/The Age of PFs/ a "no holds barred" type of campaign, where nearly any 
empire is available (no LDR or Orions) and two seats per empire are 
available. The Starting year is Y179 with 4 turns per year. Initial 
borders will be historical (where possible), with 1000 BPV to build your 
fleet and a small income stipend to keep you going. Play will continue 
until the end of Y183 and the winner will be the one with largest 
reported empire score (which is an amalgam of Fleet BPV, Number of 
Borders, and Stockpiled EPs.)

I'm planning on opening up the first turn somewhere near Thanksgiving 
(the end of this month), giving you about two weekends to figure out if 
you want to join the game and what empire you'd like to play. So come on 
in, click the "I'm interested" button, and send me your empire choice!

Frank is planning on starting a couple of "Fast Play" games, for those 
who simply can't get enough Pow Pow. I'll let him make his own 


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