Dramatic SFB: Quick-play campaigns

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 13 20:55:42 PDT 2019

I'll would go with:

Hydrans, Klingons or Kzinti

Interested in Small ships,  Year Y175 or Y178

Double War, Year Y168 or Y175

Invasion sound fun, let me play Andro there


On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 6:06 PM Matt via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Midshipmans seemed pretty popular amungst the rest of the "main"
> campaign players. I'm thinking it was mostly out of a thirst for more
> Pow-Pow. As a result, I am going to open a series of campaign games
> geared for a smaller group of players. With the fewer players, the turns
> should go faster.
> There will be more than one opened up.
> They are geared for no more than four players.
> Start-Years will vary between games.
> Each empire pick will be unique per game (no empire pairs in a game, but
> empire may be picked many times across many games)
> All will be 3-turns per year.
> Games will run 15 turns (5 years).
> Winner will be player with largest score, as reported by their
> empire-screen. (this is a weighted measure of fleet BPV, amount of
> borders, stockpiled EPs and income.)
> Income and amount stockpiled for initial builds will be set based on
> time period the game starts.
> Neighbors will be historical neighbors.
> Some "wild card" games are possible:
> - Invasion: Three players have no starting borders with others, one
> player has starting borders with the three. The invader starts with more
> resources than the others.
> - Small Ships: For purposes of this campaign, only one ship assigned to
> each scenario may be larger than Size-Class 4. The rest of (S8.0)
> applies normally.
> - Double-War: The players are paired up so that each pair does not start
> with borders with the other pair.
> - Civil Wars: A variant of the Double-War, where each pair of players
> have the same empire (e.g. a Kzinti and Kzinti are paired up and have
> borders with eachother. But neither have borders with the two Lyran
> players.)
> Those interested in joining, please email me with 3 empire picks and 2
> prefered start years. If (and only if) you want to be in a wild-card
> game, separately note which one you want and an empire pick for it. e.g.
> "I want to be Kzinti, Federation, or Gorn. Start year 166 or Y175. The
> Invasion game sounds fun, let me play a Vudar there."
> --Matt
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