Dramatic SFB: Torpedo Boats

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Wed Jul 10 05:41:15 PDT 2019

> That FRD scenario is brutal for the defender. See the conditions for 
> disengagement for the defender ? Cannot leave unless the FRD is 
> destroyed.  Yikes !

Well, technically, the mobile defenders can still escape. it's just that 
the scenario continues until the FRD dies. Consider the "Length of 
Scenario" section in conjunction with the "Map" section.

> I haven't heard anything from him and we need to resolve weapon status 
> rolls at the minimum. (Gorn: Firebreathers) if the Gorn's roll WP-3 
> one of the ISC ships will likely not leave the battlefield. We need to 
> either have a negotiated result or weapon status rolls.

The ISC player is claiming they are ready to advance. Perhaps they think 
they have sent an email out about this?


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